This letter is in regards to the shutdown work that was just completed. I’ve been with this company a long time. I’ve seen a lot of change. However, this particular shutdown was definitely the most intense. The amount of manpower to perform the demolition and reconstruction that went on in the SPF facility in such a relatively short time, was astounding. My hat is off to all that were involved.
My, overall, involvement was just a small part. I helped install the new conveyors and feed screw system, and the removal and relocation of some existing equipment. I worked first hand with Universal Machine and Engineering Corporation employees. Jimmy Raysnyder, Greg Littlefield, and Tommy Haus. I’ve never taken the time to express my thanks to outside contractors before. I gain nothing from doing this; it’s just a pat on the back for a job well done. They responded expeditiously and professionally to our ever concern. I feel the end product we received will support our process to meet and/or exceed our demands. Thanks again to Universal Machine.
Bill Cannon
SPF Production Maintenance Mechanic