As part of Universal Machine & Engineering Corporation’s (UMEC) Quality Statement we emphasize training our staff; providing methods of process improvement; enforcing manufacturing and implementation safety measures; and producing the highest quality end products in the automated machine and robotics industry. These key points of emphasis are core to being ISO (InternationalOrganization for Standardization) 9001 Compliant. These international standards impact all industries and are critical to the consistent client successes that Universal Machine achieves annually.
At Universal Machine & Engineering Corporation (UMEC) each and every employee understands that the customer is the single most important element of our business.
Our employees know this because it is stressed in our customer training and quality policies. Additionally, Customer Satisfaction Data is also consistently tracked using a series of on-going client follow-up surveys.
Our reputation for quality is continuously enhanced by providing our customers with the products they need, shipped on schedule, manufactured correctly, and at a fair market price. We consistently satisfy all of our customer, statutory and regulatory requirements.
All project requirements are thoroughly reviewed during the estimating process and are reviewed again when Universal receives the purchase order. During our weekly Engineering Project Meetings we review the project schedule and manpower requirements to ensure the project stays on track. And we utilize monthly Management Review Meetings to track on-time delivery, quality reports, customer satisfaction ratings and project specific cost analysis reports.
We depend on the skills of all of our employees to achieve these goals. The Universal team understands that meeting customer specific needs is vital to our success and security. Our management team is committed to providing our employees with growth opportunities, industry training and state-of-the-art resources to meet all customer commitments.
Universal Machine & Engineering Corporation has committed itself to continuous improvement and the review of measurable objectives. We believe this is the only way to meet the changing expectations of our customers and stay ahead of our competition.
Our team is trained annually in Universal’s continual improvement program. This program encourages employees to complete Continual Improvement Documentaion that brings potential problems and suggestions to the attention of management.
We encourage you to CONTACT US to schedule a visit to our facility – meet our staff and see the quality, consistency and the differences that separate Universal Machine and Engineering Corporation from industry competitors.